In this issue

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October 26, 2020 

Set Yourself Some Deadlines

There are historical references from the 19th century supporting an origin of the word, deadline, indicating a line or ditch created around the perimeter of a prison, over which if a prisoner crosses he (or she) will be shot dead.

Gail Perry

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October 21, 2020 

No Pane, No Gain: The Benefits of Windowed Working

Windowed work means breaking up your business day into two or three separate time slots, or windows. Traditionally, this hasn’t been possible. When people have a long commute to the office, it’s not practical to work multiple daily shifts.

Paul McDonald


October 19, 2020 

Tax Changes Shake Up SALT Deductions

In the not-so-distant past, taxpayers who itemized could generally write off the full amount of state and local tax (SALT) payments, without any dollar restrictions. This often created a tax windfall for residents of states where income taxes or ...

Ken Berry, JD


October 14, 2020 

2020 Reviews of Professional Payroll Systems

Like everything else, payroll processing has changed. Years ago, payroll services were mainly used by larger companies, and affordable options were not readily available for smaller businesses. But the products on the market today are suitable for ...

Mary Girsch-Bock